AES encryption, which stands for Advanced Encryption Standard, is a widely used method for securing data. It's a symmetric key encryption technique, which means the same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting information. This contrasts with asymmetric encryption, where two different keys are used. AES was established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 and has since become a global standard for data security, including being used by the U.S. government for protecting classified information.

The strength of AES lies in its key sizes, which can be 128, 192, or 256 bits long. The longer the key, the more secure the encryption, with AES-256 being the most secure level. This encryption method works by taking plain text (unencrypted information) and converting it into ciphertext (encrypted information) through a series of complex mathematical operations. These operations include substitution, permutation, mixing, and rotation, which together ensure the security of the encrypted data.

One of the reasons AES is so popular is its efficiency; it can run securely on a wide range of hardware and software, from high-powered computers to small mobile devices. Additionally, despite its complexity, AES encryption is known for its speed and ability to secure large volumes of data quickly, making it an ideal choice for many applications in today's digital world, including online banking, secure file sharing, and encrypted messaging services.

Anonymity *Pseudo

Blockchain technology is often praised for its ability to offer anonymity to its users. However, a more accurate term for the level of privacy it provides is "pseudo-anonymity." This means that while users' identities are not directly tied to their blockchain wallets and transactions, there still exists the potential for their identities to be uncovered through analysis and correlation of transaction data.

The fundamental reason behind this pseudo-anonymity lies in the public nature of blockchain ledgers. When a transaction occurs on a blockchain, it is recorded on a public ledger, visible to anyone who wishes to view it. Each wallet on the blockchain has a unique address, which functions like a pseudonym for the user. While this address does not explicitly reveal the user's identity, all transactions made with it are publicly and permanently recorded on the blockchain.

Advanced analytical techniques and the increasing availability of data have made it possible for individuals or organizations to trace transactions back to their source. By analyzing transaction patterns, the time of transactions, and the network of interactions between different addresses, it is often possible to deduce the real-world identity of the individuals behind blockchain addresses. Furthermore, when users interact with centralized services like exchanges, which require personal information for registration purposes, their blockchain addresses can be directly linked to their identities, further diminishing the anonymity.

Additionally, the concept of "dusting attacks" further complicates the promise of anonymity. In such attacks, small amounts of cryptocurrency are sent to a wallet. The attacker then attempts to trace the transaction's path in the hopes of uncovering the identity of the wallet's owner. While not always successful, these methods highlight the vulnerabilities in relying solely on blockchain for anonymity.


NES.TECH has solved this with the True Anonymity solution - presently implemented across ecosystems.


A digital currency, or cryptocurrency, that operates on a decentralized network of computers. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments (fiat currencies), Bitcoin offers a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is not controlled by any single entity. 


Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 million coins, a feature that aims to mimic the scarcity and value of precious metals like gold. Bitcoins are created through a process called mining, where powerful computers solve complex mathematical problems to verify transactions and are rewarded with new bitcoins.


Ownership of bitcoins is established through digital keys, bitcoin addresses, and digital signatures. The owner of the private key can initiate transactions, which are then verified by the network. Bitcoin transactions are fast, global, and can be conducted without the need for personal identifying information, offering a degree of anonymity.


Cardano represents a third-generation blockchain, advancing beyond its predecessors like Bitcoin and Ethereum by addressing some of their most pressing limitations.

At its core, Cardano is designed as a decentralized application (dApp) development platform, offering a more secure and efficient framework for building and deploying complex applications. It employs a unique two-layer architecture: the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) for handling transactions with its native cryptocurrency, ADA, and the Cardano Computation Layer (CCL) which serves as the foundation for the execution of smart contracts and dApps. This separation allows for flexibility in updates and maintenance without disrupting the network's operations.

One of Cardano's most notable features is its consensus mechanism, Ouroboros. Unlike the energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW) used by Bitcoin, Ouroboros is a proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol. This method selects validators based on the number of coins they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral. It's designed to be more energy-efficient and allows for faster transaction processing times, addressing one of the significant criticisms faced by earlier blockchain technologies.

Cardano also places a strong emphasis on interoperability, governance, and compliance with regulatory standards, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional financial systems and the burgeoning world of decentralized finance (DeFi). By doing so, it seeks to create a balanced ecosystem that can support a wide range of financial applications, from day-to-day transactions to complex contractual agreements, in a secure and scalable manner.

Creator Economy

The creator economy refers to the burgeoning economic ecosystem built around independent content creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs who use digital platforms to generate income through direct engagement with their audiences. This economy leverages social media, blogging sites, video sharing platforms, and various other online mediums to create, share, and monetize content. At its core, the creator economy empowers individuals to turn their creativity, knowledge, and influence into a viable source of revenue, often bypassing traditional employment and media distribution channels.

A defining characteristic of the creator economy is its accessibility and inclusivity, allowing anyone with an internet connection and a unique voice or skill to build a following and generate income. Creators can earn money in several ways, including advertising revenue, sponsorships, selling merchandise, subscription models, crowdfunding, and more recently, through digital assets like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This economic model not only democratizes the production and distribution of content but also fosters a direct relationship between creators and their audiences, enabling personalized and niche content to thrive.

The rise of the creator economy is closely tied to advancements in technology, particularly the development of platforms that simplify content creation and distribution, as well as payment and monetization mechanisms that support small transactions. Furthermore, the shift towards a more participatory digital culture, where users actively seek connections with content creators, has fueled the growth of this economy.


A DAG blockchain network, where DAG stands for Directed Acyclic Graph, represents an innovative approach to the structure and functionality of blockchain technology. Unlike traditional blockchains that rely on a linear, sequential chain of blocks to record transactions, a DAG network utilizes a graph structure where transactions are linked directly to multiple other transactions. This unique architecture allows for several key improvements over traditional blockchain models, particularly in terms of scalability and speed.

The "directed" part of DAG means that the connections between transactions have a set direction, similar to a one-way street, ensuring that all transactions move forward and never loop back, which is where the "acyclic" aspect comes into play. Because of this structure, transactions in a DAG blockchain can be processed in parallel, rather than sequentially. This parallel processing capability significantly increases the throughput of the network, allowing it to handle many transactions simultaneously without bogging down the system.

One of the most prominent benefits of a DAG blockchain network is its ability to reduce, or in some cases, completely eliminate transaction fees. Since the network does not require miners to validate blocks of transactions (as is the case in traditional blockchains), the costs associated with transaction validations are dramatically lowered. This makes DAG networks an attractive option for microtransactions and high-volume applications where transaction fees can add up quickly.

Additionally, DAG networks are considered more scalable than traditional blockchains. As more participants join the network and conduct transactions, the network's ability to process transactions can increase, rather than slow down. This scalability makes DAG an appealing technology for applications that require high transaction throughput, such as IoT (Internet of Things) ecosystems, financial services, and any application needing real-time transaction processing.

Data Asset

A blockchain data-asset refers to any type of digital asset or piece of information that is stored and managed on a blockchain network. Blockchain technology, renowned for its decentralization, transparency, and security, provides a unique and innovative way of handling digital assets. Unlike traditional assets, which are often managed through centralized systems vulnerable to fraud, manipulation, or cyber-attacks, blockchain data-assets are distributed across numerous nodes in the network, ensuring their integrity and security.


These data-assets can range widely in nature and use, from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are perhaps the most well-known types of blockchain assets, to more complex assets such as contracts, property titles, intellectual property rights, and even personal identification information. What distinguishes blockchain data-assets is their representation on the blockchain as tokens, which can be transferred or shared between users securely and transparently without the need for intermediaries like banks or government institutions.


The immutable nature of blockchain technology means that once a data-asset is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted, providing a permanent and unchangeable record of transactions or asset ownership. This feature is crucial for ensuring the authenticity and provenance of assets, making blockchain an ideal platform for not only financial transactions but also for any application requiring a secure and transparent method of managing digital assets.


In addition, the use of smart contracts—self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code—allows for the automation of processes and transactions involving blockchain data-assets. This automation can significantly reduce costs and increase efficiency by eliminating the need for manual processing and verification by third parties.


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) represents a paradigm shift in how information is collected and communicated, moving away from traditional centralized databases to a decentralized model. At its core, DLT is a digital system for recording the transaction of assets in which the transactions and their details are recorded in multiple places at the same time. Unlike traditional ledgers or databases that are controlled by a single entity (such as a bank or government agency), a distributed ledger has no central authority or centralized data storage. Instead, it relies on a network of computers, often referred to as nodes, to hold and update copies of the ledger simultaneously.

The innovation of DLT lies in its ability to ensure transparency, security, and integrity of data without the need for a trusted third party. Each piece of data or transaction entered into the ledger is verified by consensus of the majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information cannot be erased or altered, making DLT exceptionally secure and tamper-proof. This characteristic is particularly appealing for financial transactions, supply chain management, identity verification, and any other application where the authenticity and immutability of data are critical.

Blockchain, the technology underpinning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, is the most well-known and widely used form of DLT. However, the term DLT encompasses a broader range of technologies that achieve distributed consensus through various means, not all of which employ a "chain" of blocks. DLT has the potential to revolutionize a wide array of industries by enabling secure, direct transactions between parties, streamlining operations, and reducing costs by removing intermediaries or middlemen.


Ethereum, often heralded as a revolutionary development in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, extends beyond being just a digital currency like Bitcoin. It is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. These smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. This functionality allows for the automation of complex processes, agreements, and transactions in a trustless environment, meaning parties can engage without the need for a central authority or intermediary.


At the core of Ethereum's ecosystem is its native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), which is used primarily for two purposes: to compensate participants who perform computations and validate transactions on the network, and as a transactional currency within Ethereum's network. Ethereum's ability to support dApps and smart contracts has opened up a wide range of possibilities, from creating new types of financial services and applications to enabling new forms of ownership and investment through non-fungible tokens (NFTs).


Ethereum's influence extends to the concept of decentralized finance (DeFi), which aims to recreate traditional financial systems, such as banks and exchanges, with blockchain technology. DeFi applications on Ethereum offer services ranging from lending and borrowing platforms to stablecoins and tokenized BTC. 

Gas Fee

Blockchain gas fees are a fundamental component of many blockchain networks, particularly those that support smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), like Ethereum. These fees are payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the blockchain network. In essence, gas fees serve as a way to allocate resources on the network, ensuring that transactions are processed efficiently and securely.

The term "gas" metaphorically represents the fuel needed to execute operations on the blockchain, similar to how a car requires gasoline to run. Each action on the network, whether it's a simple cryptocurrency transfer, executing a smart contract, or interacting with a dApp, requires a certain amount of computational work. Gas fees are thus calculated based on the complexity of the transaction and the current demand on the network.

Gas fees are not static and can fluctuate significantly based on network congestion. During periods of high demand, when many users are sending transactions or interacting with dApps, the cost of gas can increase as users compete to have their transactions processed more quickly. Conversely, when the network is less congested, gas fees tend to be lower.

The payment of gas fees is made in the native cryptocurrency of the blockchain network. For example, on the Ethereum network, gas fees are paid in Ether (ETH). This system of gas fees not only ensures that miners or validators who contribute their computational power to the network are compensated for their efforts but also helps to prevent spam transactions and network abuse by making it costly to perform malicious or frivolous operations.



noun / the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; / the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.

Art of Democracy

An arts investigation from the UK concluded further work to “democratise” school children’s access to musical education is required. These efforts should be applauded. No doubt. 


To us it sparks a broader question, is art being subsumed under just the title of democracy? We believe it is. Unknowingly most day to day choices can be equally constrained. Let’s first agree on democracy in practice. Paying homage to every piece of click-bait out there which ostensibly has to include some short list, here’s one for democratic participation and action;

i. Recognition

that one is an independent participant; and


ii. Retention Of Choice

such as the right to abstain or seek alternatives; and


iii. Conscious Participation

an understanding of one’s role, influence and involvement


True democracy is conscious, active participation. The collection of rules and procedures are what allows it to be called a system. Inherently then a system's operational confines are established. As democracy results from self-selected participation, if one of the above requirements is absent then a system may rightfully not be called democratic. Democratic choice is conscious and self-determined. If a system itself is not democratic then democratizing influences of actions through choices presented within such system only go as far as the system permits.


Unless participants themselves have ongoing definitional power of their role, latitude within a system can be to misuse the 'democratic' definition as a logical inconsistency appears. Without that power of selecting terms for involvement then practically the semantics of democratic do, in action, become commandeered by no more than its theoretical principle. Hence the phrase, presenting just a title of democracy. To palpably extrapolate the [title of democracy] concept, we turn to more far reaching examples. Protests often do no more than voice this title of democracy. While the freedom of expression can be openly touted in public demonstrations the protest action may not, for one example, materialize participant’s missing pay checks in the face of an extended government shutdown. Retention of actual choice can be practically removed. Use of technology fuels the most pervasively enacted forms. For example, existence of decentralized blockchain based currencies does not require centralized bank’s acceptance and exchange of such. Systems can contain a form of choice, say to use or not use decentralized cryptocurrency. Systematic constraints are quickly apparent when trying to pay taxes in Bitcoin or buy insurance with Ether.


Think of quickly agreeing with the lengthy pages of writing that were presented during your last software update or installation. Statistically it can be that very few individuals on the planet genuinely conceive any major corporation’s use and sale of user's readily collected personal data. In 'democratic' nations this involuntary situation persists with many such corporation’s services and software still widely used.




On the surface these can be very easily presented. Here some might claim that by choosing to participate right now, in say a protest demonstration or to use cryptocurrency, that they are indeed meeting all above criteria for democratic action. Straight away, this could be true. Likewise objections can be raised as the title of democracy concept is applied to say online artwork promotion or sales channels. For creators those mediums, despite possibly biased search algorithms or various limitations, allow for immediate dissemination of artwork and may do so to posting producer’s apparently lasting economic benefit. Instantly viewed, this interpretation could also be true.


There is an overarching fact that we, as people, are typically hardwired to seek direct benefits, rewards, returns, results, gratification and justification. Short-sighted feedback does form tangible, viable evidence towards whatsoever chosen course of action. In all cases though we eventually come to an unanswered consideration, the influences of chosen actions over time].


Immediacy frames the picture yet repeated actions can have a compounding effect. In a [constrained] system, independent participation may be justified as a singularly democratic action when failing to consider that such singular actions contribute to the continuation of a [constrained] system as a whole. Take a selection of options A to Z as presented by any system. Conscious participation may be removed from limitation or obfuscation in understanding lasting effects of one’s role, influence and involvement thereby resulting in, once more, just the title of democracy. 


[As pertains to education commonly caregivers act as proxies yet the foundation applies equally to those placed in deciding roles. Secondarily, it is often only when the scope [number] of dissenting participants threatens a structure itself that select change does materialize]. Even for those of the highest character, to make the most with what you have been given today under the circumstances, is all that could be asked. Conversely today, more than most any other time in history, the capacity for recognition and retention of choice may not be reliant on any one system. Nowhere is this more tangible for artists, creators and most all direct services. While we have waxed poetic on topics from politics to education, these are admittedly not our areas of focus. They do not interest us as much as others. Group allegiances with faith as set precisely through a sacrificing of logic are for us what should be avoided and, we try not to participate. 


TOF® is tailored for creators and direct service providers whom control their means of production and operation. On a micro-scale the work flow and principles of their creative process hold all requirements of democratic action. To impose top down systematized requirements on how their work is defined or enacted is akin to constraining creation.


Our structure provides each member with the potential to choose their terms and conditions of engagement and directly benefit from those. In broadening operational barriers out as widely as humanly possible, to only that which is simply legal within a given jurisdiction, we aim to solidify participant’s defining control of their self-selected engagements.  Compounding such actions of personal choice or how this might extend into broader spheres from say politics to education is – in the democratic nature – not decided by us. We simply offer different principles in control. Ones that are removed from multiple constraining systems wherein conscious participation is dependent on nothing more than member's retention of choice in tandem with personal capacity. It's our acknowledgement of potential. 


Forgoing the endless, age old debates of “what is art” we turn rather to a common denominator. However implemented art exists to invoke emotion. From wonder to lust or disgust and all in between, the specific emotions as invoked and how that is done becomes immaterial.


To consciously define personal choice independently enacted is democracy in action. Selective re purposing of systems to enable private, personal choice is TOF®’s art. Now we invite you to define, create and live yours.

Collaborative Reasoning

/ perfectly aligned with decentralized implementation /


As to joint individual or first ecosystem collaborative action, under self-defined contexts then collectively imposed or influenced choice may prove inferior on every metric when compared to creative, autonomously demarcated conduct. The true potential of distributed ledger technology lays in decentralized codes of conduct [micro-creations] wherein enforcement is primarily administered by its self-organizing participants.

We hold direct collaboration as perfectly aligned with decentralized implementation. Through solutions and ecosystems, a collaborative engagement and exchange between members constitutes a proof of work, through an achieved consensus of action [contract execution], which is inherently confidential while concurrently accounted for and facilitated within secure public immutable ledgers.

There exists a formal dichotomy in legal and economic interpretations represented through ex-ante and ex-post branches. Ex-ante or before the event considers the capital requirements, investment regulations, bearers of cost within transactions or what may be summarized as the ‘enforceable information’. Ex-ante rulings can be thought of as leading to decisive, rule based adjudication.


Conversely ex-post deals with the results of a given exchange. Certainly some here may be open for consideration, reflection and or leading to arbitration. Thinking of ex-ante as the set objective contractual facts and ex-post as the subjective interpretation, this dichotomy conceptualizes portions of ecosystem structure. Namely in ‘private law’ already developed systems whereby any engagement's (ex-post) exchange-value is only set as jointly determined by participants yet concurrently enforced through smart (ex-ante) digitally certified decentralized exchange.


Rather than conflicting directions of interpretation, we hold these as forming two sides of the same [RWSC®] coin. One is the public, rule based set of enforceable information. The the direct, person-to-person subjective evaluation that truly enables private collaboration. To hold these as mutually exclusive is to continue the erroneous conflation in the current use of the term ‘smart contract’ whereby subjective elements of exchange are neither omitted from consideration nor attempted to be defined using binary classifications.


In so far as individually augmented authority permit, previously restricted or indeed enabled unknown direct collaboration potential facilitation may in some ways be thought of as the realized effect continuance once gained following popularization of decentralized mobile phone telecommunication technology.


Today technology imparts a previously unrecognizable level of achievable, individual agency. Where the mobile phone enhanced communication, these DLT solutions secure engagement and exchange execution with true anonymous control across distributed ledger technologies permitting participant-only proof data and transaction authenticity, recall and implementation.


As the mobile phone's unique number acts as a form of held identification, conversely implementation of now privately held contractual documentation permits ad-hoc utilization of centralized structures and institutions, absent persistent or inherent initial oversight.

Data Collection

We were recently interviewed by an AI firm regarding best practices and the importance of data collection policies. We focus on member privacy. Here are our answers:


Why should you collect data?
NES.TECH's answer / "To enable a specific, requested function. This is the rationale behind KYC and AML legislation. Personal data, in this respect, is implemented to ensure that a specific service is performed with or by an authorized individual. Correct data collection enables all forms of digital service. Where questions of purpose and function seem commonly to become convoluted is around 'free' platforms. 'Free' social media sites or say search engines can remain highly profitable precisely because the allure of their offerings with voluntary use permits such data implemented for a different purpose; secondary sales and ongoing analytics.


Rather than a direct request to enable a specific purpose, data collection there simply becomes hidden so as to permit secondary actions that may even not have been explicitly requested nor indeed even initially known."

How do you go about starting to collect data?

NES.TECH's answer / "Digital interactions are at best, pseudo-anonymous. The very act of owning a computer [which has a unique identifier], going online [through another unique identifier such as a browser and IP], and then engaging anywhere [all patterns and behaviors are recorded and can be analyzed], itself is active disclosure of data.


Where to start is more a question of what data one is explicitly attempting to collect combined with when permission or collection of use is granted or, if not explicit, what forms of collection are allowed for the operation. Technologically speaking every single interaction point and use of a digital service has the capacity to be measured and tracked. How one goes about collecting data becomes more a question of morals and economics."

What do you wish you had known when you first started collecting & using data?


NES.TECH's answer / "That data is a tangible resource which currently and, all too frequently, people place too little value on."

What was your biggest mistake concerning data collection & use?

NES.TECH's answer / "Offering something of genuine benefit may only be possible after understanding the right kinds of data. From a business perspective, with our customers who have trusted us with their data, what is and remains an ongoing learning curve is how we can consistently, appropriately and directly share what that individual holds as beneficial information."


What are some of the creative approaches to data use you have seen?

NES.TECH's answer / "Honestly, the most creative approaches are ones that are most widely practiced yet seemingly least discussed.

These include say feed algorithms on Facebook which show highly targeted posts or calls to action based on a user's previous interactions and historical tracking of attention combined with automated inducement of personal preferences. Or content analysis fueled by artificial intelligence on say Google where even 'private' email content can lead to AdWords tracking.

More blatantly, reverse influence pushes are also notable. This is where say an Instagram or YouTube 'celebrity' is paid for product placement with the product's subsequent sales or interactions, most likely through the advertiser's channel, then constituting forms of behavioral and preference data collection. The growing list of highly effective methods for continuous, ongoing creative data collection is significant. Simply asking for permission has now perhaps become the oldest methodology."

Does it make sense to collect as much data as you can?

NES.TECH's answer / "To repeat an old maxim, knowledge is power. Without a clear moral standpoint; to not collect as much data as possible could be for many the same as wasting a readily available resource. The purpose and use of collected data has to remain of paramount concern. This applies to decisions made both by users and companies. For us, we have a very clear specific purpose for data; it is only to enable one clear and directly requested function to and for that user."

What do people assume about data collection that is wrong?


NES.TECH's answer / "That it's not already happening during most every form of digital interaction."


What guidelines do you have for data collection and how did you set these up?

NES.TECH's answer / "i. a clear limitation and specification of what data is necessary so as to facilitate an explicit service; ii. a commitment to provide a direct value which is itself not reliant on the data required for execution; iii. the structuring of services that are sustainable absent secondary use of member data."

Trusted Exchange

When correctly used, blockchain and cryptocurrency offer the chance to instantly engage, without a middleman, on your own terms. Peer to peer. Or in other words, these technologies can set the ability for two people to write their own rules during types of trusted payment and exchange.


Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), can fundamentally realize a methodology of decentralized, immutable data as well as transaction accounting, permitting reallocation of trust. As we hold, this reallocation is one where trust is moved from centralized institutions and associated fiat currencies into the hands of private participants because such implemented and anonymized ledgers (records of transactions), are immutable and distributed. Ideally it’s the creation of peer-to-peer collaboration security standards with an authority previously only attributable to centralized institutions.


Released in March, 2019, a World Economic Forum (WEF) whitepaper outlines the development and rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDC). These central digital currency types are hailed as expediting settlement times, adding to processing security and streamlining various bank as well as inter-bank transactions. Today, from Brazil to Lithuania [and seemingly everywhere in-between], numerous centralized financial institutions are actively working to incorporate DLT. Following setup costs, incorporation of secure accounting and exchange standards can, for most any financial business or operation, possibly bring numerous benefits. 


However the very title, distributed, speaks to a form of decentralized agency that may already be actively degraded. An appropriation of DLT by centralized services may be held to negate the arguably required opportunity of systemic or foundational service enhancement. Same system, new set of technologies.


In a move towards “semi-monetization” control of funds becomes borrowing of central currency, never privately owned. Centralized institutions disparaging of non-centralized DLT can be seen as the same groups eventual re-sale of the exact systems that blockchain and cryptocurrency are capable to potentially disrupt. As the JPM coin still uses centralized input and withdrawal through JPM accounts having DLT tacked on to the back-end, the possible illogical assumptions of the JPM Coin somehow adding speed or security to in-house activities through this increasing of processing stages was earlier mentioned [real coin]. Here the WEF report extols a total of ten benefits to these newly minted central bank digital currencies (CBDC);

i. Retail of CBDC

“…operated and settled in a peer-to-peer and decentralized manner (no intermediary)… serves as a compliment or substitute for physical cash...”


ii. Wholesale of CBDC

“…available only for commercial banks and clearing houses for use in the wholesale interbank market”


iii. Interbank securities settlement

“…where two parties trading an asset, such as a security for cash, can conduct the payment for and delivery of the asset simultaneously”


iv. Payment system resiliency and contingency

“…primary or back-up domestic interbank payment and settlement system to provide safety and continuity…”


v. Bond issuance and lifecycle management

“…may be applied to bonds issued and managed by sovereign states, international organizations or government agencies. Central banks or government regulators could be “observer nodes” to monitor activity where relevant”


vi. Know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering

“May connect to a digital national identity platform or plug into pre-existing e-KYC or AML systems. Could potentially interact with CBDC as part of payments and financial activity tracking”


vii. Information exchange and data sharing

“The use of distributed or decentralized databases to create alternative systems for information and data sharing between or within related government or private sector institutions”


viii. Trade finance

“…Customer information and transaction histories are shared between participants in the decentralized database while maintaining private and confidentiality where needed”


ix. Cash and money supply chain

“The use of DLT for issuing, tracking and managing the delivery and movement of cash from production facilities to the central bank and commercial bank branches; could include the ordering, depositing or movement of funds, and could simplify regulatory reporting”


x. Customer SEPA Creditor Identifier (SCI) provisioning

“Blockchain-based decentralized sharing repository for SEPA credit identifiers managed by the central bank and commercial banks in the SEPA debiting scheme. Faster, streamlined and decentralized system for identity provisioning and sharing”


Nowhere are impassioned rationales for only a centralized selection of actions more clearly extolled than in discussions around AML and KYC requirements relating to purported use of illegal narcotics and various ‘DarkNet’ statistics. Often peppered into discussions, emotive incentives for rush judgement towards bolstering of only centralized systems are frequently made. It is however worthwhile to consider:


i) Officially sanctioned psychotropic substances – namely alcohol and tobacco – account for more medical costs, violent crimes, deaths and social damage than all illegal narcotics combined;


ii) The recent opioid epidemic was brought about through centralized industries [pharmaceutical, government and medical] push and prescription methodology with the pills that have been causing so much damage derived from patented formulas;


iii) To 'knowing your customer' and 'anti-money laundering' - as one example from immediate memory HSBC recently paid fines for flagrant violations involving the cartels. It appears they face no jail time, pending indictments, cessation nor limitation to scope of core operations despite evidenced, repeated nonobservance.


It further remains absolutely possible to repeat say the Libor scandal, with DLT permitting now faster transactions, as technologies and thus accountability come under  centralized control. The issue of prosecution or reprimand is seemingly determined by the size of  available resources and the selection of channels implemented, not the action [crime] itself. This is not an endorsement. It is to state the facts arising from analysis so as to attribute credit to genuine sources of realized and sustained costs within the contexts of reviewing arguments towards centralized system improvement or continuation.


While the greed and uncertainty exemplified through ICO’s alongside various associated ‘blockchain bubbles’ bolsters centralized counter arguments, these conveniently overlook some practical fundamentals. As not all blockchain or DLT systems permit the type of transactions banks are presently structured to process, then blockchain and DLT itself are argued to require tailoring accordingly. For the spotlight to focus on a market’s comparatively nominal early financial missteps, the broader sociological implications become any erosion in credibility of independent [other] DLT networks or systems working to justify only the existence of centralized DLT


Looking at the mistakes that such independent agents have made, while the banks are still in operation, is presented as all the more reason to allow the banks to next take control of DLT, continuing as normal. Blockchain can have the capacity to set terms, value and tangible exchange independent of centralized institutions. Yet centralization of processes means that participant’s choice in rule definition, adherence and subsequent enacted effect become just a selection from centrally mandated operations.


Take established, actively traded cryptocurrency, presently reasonably held as representing some used stores of value like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Monero. In using any of these three an, albeit imperfect, capacity for instant settlement and transfers between users [peers] exists. The principle under contention is a slow removal of any currency type that retains convertibility outside of centralized institutions.


Disappearance of such omits consumer’s independent choice of alternatives with the resulting centrally authorized value stores or “abstract wealth” being held in only centrally authorized accounts. Experiments in pure centralized control have historically not fared well. Earlier failures have partially come from centralized mediation inherently slowing processing whilst limiting data types and sources, a precept in direct contrast with the possible achievable benefits of DLT. Testing centralized [digital currency] control could prove comparable, irrespective of technologies implemented. Upholding isolated, personally applicable and finite parameters which have been self-selected by actual participants. Such allows for ad hoc implementation of centralized institutions, again at participant's discretion. It is further possible to permit encrypted, private and direct payment exchange which is publicly anonymized on DLT networks and then independently enacted through use of either fiat or cryptocurrencies, as with the RWSC®. Here conversion does not omit fiat currency, transmission instead inverts sources of valuation in exchange to make both exchange and valuation execution privately controlled. 

TOF® is set as a practicable alternative. Externally, we can simply caution selection with a conscious awareness of potential consequences. In deciding how best to proceed, as always, choice remains yours for as long as you decide. Absent conscious awareness, over time the range of external choices may be almost imperceptibly culled by centralized control of DLT.


Learning curves throughout peer-to-peer adoption of these technologies can become popular propaganda, echoing votes towards only repetition of centralized structures whom then assume a redefined authority by control of distributed ledger technologies. To put it another way, because people and capacities for financial exchange may become independently decentralized, concurrently such independent choice by participants may not be centrally held as valid. From a centralized viewpoint, aside from some technical benefits and enhanced capacities, this scenario may be a strategy for survival.

Layer One

A layer one public blockchain refers to the foundational layer of blockchain technology, which constitutes the underlying framework or protocol upon which a blockchain network operates. This base layer is responsible for the core functions of the blockchain, including transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and data storage. Being public means that the blockchain is open and accessible to anyone, allowing participants to join the network, view transactions, and, depending on the blockchain's governance model, participate in the consensus process.

The term "layer one" is used to distinguish this foundational level from subsequent layers (such as layer two) that are built on top of it to enhance functionality, scalability, or efficiency. Layer one solutions often focus on improving the blockchain's base features, such as increasing transaction speed, enhancing security, or making the system more decentralized. Examples of layer one public blockchains include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano, each with its unique protocol and consensus mechanism, such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS).

The consensus mechanism is a critical component of a layer one public blockchain, as it ensures all transactions are verified and agreed upon by the network without the need for a central authority. This mechanism not only secures the network but also enables the trustless and decentralized nature of blockchain technology.

Public blockchains are pivotal for a wide range of applications, from cryptocurrencies and financial transactions to smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). They offer a transparent, secure, and tamper-proof system for recording transactions and transferring assets, making them a cornerstone of the digital economy.


MPC encryption, short for Multi-Party Computation, is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This advanced method enables participants to collaborate on computations without revealing their confidential data to each other or to any third party. The essence of MPC lies in its ability to secure sensitive information during collaborative processes, making it a powerful tool in the realms of privacy-preserving data analysis, secure voting systems, and confidential financial transactions.

The concept of MPC is akin to a group of people collectively calculating the average of their private salaries without disclosing their individual salaries to one another. Each participant knows only their input and the final result, but not the specific inputs of the other participants. This is achieved through sophisticated cryptographic protocols that ensure the computation's integrity and confidentiality.

MPC has significant implications for data privacy and security, especially in industries where sharing sensitive information is necessary for collaborative decision-making but where the data itself must remain confidential. For example, in the financial sector, MPC can be used for secure multi-party financial transactions, allowing institutions to compute risk or perform collaborative market analysis without exposing their proprietary data.

Furthermore, in the healthcare industry, MPC can facilitate the secure sharing of medical data for research purposes, enabling researchers to analyze patient data for patterns and treatments without accessing the personal data of patients. This not only protects patient privacy but also allows for greater collaboration in medical research.


PBKDF2 stands for Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2, a cryptographic algorithm used to derive a secure encryption key from a password. Essentially, PBKDF2 takes a password as input and, through a process involving many iterations of a hashing function, produces a derived key that can then be used for secure encryption. The primary purpose of PBKDF2 is to make it computationally difficult for attackers to perform brute-force attacks on encrypted data by significantly increasing the time it takes to guess passwords.


The mechanism of PBKDF2 involves several key components: the original password, a salt (a random value added to the password to ensure that identical passwords do not produce the same key), and an iteration count. The iteration count is a critical factor; it determines how many times the hashing function is applied. The higher the iteration count, the more secure the derived key, but also the longer the process takes. This trade-off is intentional, as it slows down any attacker trying to guess the password while remaining feasible for legitimate user authentication.


One of the strengths of PBKDF2 is the use of salt. Salting prevents attackers from efficiently using precomputed tables (like rainbow tables) to crack passwords, as each password requires a unique computation thanks to its unique salt. This drastically increases the security of stored passwords, even if an attacker gains access to the database where they are stored.


PBKDF2 is widely used in various applications and systems for securely storing passwords and generating encryption keys. It is considered a robust method for password-based key derivation, compliant with industry standards, and recommended by many security professionals for its balance between security and computational feasibility.


PGP encryption, standing for Pretty Good Privacy, is a data encryption and decryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. Developed in the early 1990s by Phil Zimmermann, PGP has become a standard for secure email transmission and file encryption, ensuring that only the intended recipient can read the message or access the data.

PGP operates using a mix of encryption techniques, including both symmetric and asymmetric (public-key) encryption. The process starts with the data being encrypted using a symmetric encryption algorithm, which is fast and efficient for large amounts of data. This encrypted data is then secured further using the recipient's public key. Only the recipient's private key, which is kept secret, can decrypt this data. This dual approach harnesses the strength of both encryption types, offering a robust security solution.

One of the key features of PGP is its use of a digital signature. This signature assures the recipient that the message has not been altered in transit and confirms the sender's identity. This is achieved by creating a hash (a digital fingerprint) of the message, which is then encrypted with the sender's private key. The recipient can use the sender's public key to decrypt and verify the hash. If it matches the message hash, it confirms both the message integrity and the sender's identity.

PGP's versatility extends beyond email, securing files, directories, and disk volumes. Its trust model, based on a web of trust rather than a central authority, allows users to choose whom they trust for key verification. This decentralized approach contrasts with the hierarchical model used in traditional digital certificates, offering users more control.

Private Valuation

Like Satoshi Nakamoto we “define an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures” From there our use, description and view of cryptocurrency as well as token implementation differs drastically. These asset's intrinsic benefits start with decentralization. For any one to potentially own authenticated yet privately controlled mediums in exchange. However, capacities may be fundamentally diminished during conversion if only ascribing public rather than private valuations. 

Colloquially, it doesn’t matter what a bank or the public might say a cryptocurrency / utility token is worth. What matters is the fact that two people may with confidence now say what that's actually worth to them. To decentralize a currency is only partial implementation of distributed ledger capabilities. We propose instead that valuation of currency itself may be privately held and likewise decentralized. After direct agreement of valuation, conversion just becomes a preference.


In taking this different approach so as to invert sources of valuation in protected exchange many questions of practical implementation, anonymity and market acceptability remain. The RWSC® answers as follows:


practical implementation

i. Exposure is set and protected / Only activated members purchase registration. Registrations engage digital security functions, ascribing RWSC® ownership controls. Registered engagements and exchange contractually quantify ceilings of protections, possibly ordered to be enacted on participant's behalf.


ii. Collaborations are privately controlled / Registrations are individually encrypted as well as anonymized before transaction on or to secondary databases and external networks. RWSC® groups are compiled at specifically repeated intervals. Each group is purposefully non-reflective of any one constituting registration or any one participant's activity. Member's ownership controls are double-accounted and privately held. 

One RWSC® group may privately reference up to 24 individual registrations. Having a maximum of 49 controllers, cumulative value is likewise set from zero to the possible collective total. Each RWSC® group does not exceed $1,00,000.00 and or $120,000.00 per-purchasing member. 


iii. RWSC® accounts for pending, real world input / By default collaboration payments are independently settled. Fundamentally however, through NES.TECH ecosystems and solutions, both conversion achievement and protections may be performed at the owning members personal discretion, in any manner and currency selected.



At no loss in validity of on-chain data, recording of collective valuation and timed transfers under apportioned RWSC® ownership controls incorporate smart-contract functionalities while completely retaining absolute confidentiality throughout immutable exchange. 


Personally held blockchain verification is added to traditional real world contract protections. This forms the “Real-World” title in RWSC®. Throughout duration of engagement or exchange such digital securities remain valid whether quantified at zero, $1,000,000 or adjusted ad-hoc to any figure in-between. The RWSC® privately attributes valuation and executes immutably time-locked ownership control transfer. Set assurances may function irrespective of as yet unknown collaboration outcomes. 


Using time dependent worth assignment control, autonomous and jointly confirmed achievement valuation is equally assured. Executed on distributed ledger networks, a participant's material breach of contract triggers digital security protections. This forms the “Smart Contract” title portion, albeit this particular flexibility is not commonly attributable to smart contracts outside of the ecosystem.


market acceptability

i. Members themselves define collaboration. Possibilities are set one to one. As a direct service, engagement or exchange the once restrictive broad term [external] market becomes purely and freely subjectively defined. Collaborators privately determine mediums of exchange while implementing confidentially set blockchain assurances. Individually responsible for conduct, resulting encrypted decentralized data becomes identifiable following participant's self-disclosure. Conversion achievement, transitioning one currency to another, is directly performed at participant's discretion. Use of say cryptocurrency is no longer a market-wide issue of acceptability. Under protected shared valuation referencing, choice in methods of payment exchanged can now be directly set between participants. 


ii. Encrypted verification implements decentralized methods of personal authentication. Contract formulations, purchase of digital security services with RWSC® attribution, collaborations and signing methodologies offer privately held immutable accounting. Using ecosystem mechanisms and protocols, member-authorized private transference of ownership control enables assignment and subsequent private tangible conversion achievement. Evidenced through personal keys and activated membership, conversion remains compliant with centralized financial regulations. Valuation, payments, exchange and member activity remain private.


Quantum-proof data storage refers to the method of securing digital information in such a way that it remains safe and inaccessible even in the face of potential future quantum computers, which are expected to possess computational abilities far beyond those of today's classical computers. Quantum computers, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, will have the capability to break many of the cryptographic algorithms currently used to protect data. Therefore, quantum-proof data storage involves using encryption methods that are deemed secure against the decryption capabilities of quantum computing.

The urgency for quantum-proof data storage stems from the fact that quantum computers, once fully operational, could easily decipher current encryption standards, potentially exposing vast amounts of sensitive and secure data. This concern has led to the development of quantum-resistant algorithms, a key component of quantum-proof data storage. These algorithms are designed based on computational problems that are believed to be difficult for quantum computers to solve, thereby ensuring the long-term security of the data encrypted by them.

One of the main approaches to quantum-proof encryption is post-quantum cryptography, which encompasses a set of cryptographic primitives that are considered secure against quantum attacks. These include lattice-based cryptography, hash-based cryptography, and multivariate polynomial cryptography, among others. The idea is to integrate these quantum-resistant algorithms into data storage and transmission systems well before quantum computers become a practical reality, thus safeguarding sensitive information both now and in the future.

Smart Contract

A smart contract is a self-executing contract where the terms of agreement between buyer and seller are directly written into lines of code. This innovative concept extends the functionality of traditional contracts by automating the execution process, eliminating the need for intermediaries, and ensuring a high level of trust and transparency. Embedded within blockchain technology, smart contracts run on a decentralized network, making them tamper-proof and highly secure.


The beauty of smart contracts lies in their ability to automatically enforce and execute the terms of an agreement as soon as predetermined conditions are met. For example, consider a smart contract designed for a rental agreement: once a tenant pays the deposit, the contract automatically grants them access to the rental property without the need for human intervention. This not only speeds up the process but also reduces the potential for disputes and fraud.


Smart contracts are versatile and can be applied across a wide range of domains, including but not limited to, financial services, real estate, legal processes, and supply chain management. In the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), smart contracts facilitate transactions and financial services without the need for traditional banking institutions, enabling more inclusive financial systems.


The implementation of smart contracts requires a platform that supports blockchain technology, with Ethereum being the most prominent example. Ethereum's platform provides a robust environment for deploying smart contracts, offering developers a powerful tool to create decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage the benefits of smart contracts.


SHA encryption refers to cryptographic hash functions within the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) family, developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other cryptographic experts. It's important to clarify that SHA, in its essence, is not used for encryption in the traditional sense—where data is scrambled into an unreadable format and then decrypted back into its original form. Instead, SHA produces a unique, fixed-size hash value from input data of any size, which acts as a digital fingerprint of the data. This hash function is a one-way process, meaning that once data has been converted into a hash, it cannot be reversed or decrypted to retrieve the original data.

The SHA family includes several variations, such as SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-3, each differing in terms of the size of the hash they produce and their security level. SHA-256, for example, generates a 256-bit hash, making it significantly more secure than the older SHA-1, which produces a 160-bit hash. The larger the hash, the lower the chance of two different pieces of data producing the same hash, a phenomenon known as a collision.

SHA functions are widely used in various security applications and protocols, including SSL certificates for websites, digital signatures in software distribution, and the verification of data integrity. In blockchain technology, SHA-256 is particularly notable for its use in the mining process of Bitcoin, where it secures transactions and ensures the immutability of the blockchain ledger.

The key benefit of using SHA hash functions is their ability to verify the authenticity and integrity of data. By comparing the hash value of the received data with the expected hash value, one can determine whether the data has been altered in any way. This is crucial for secure communication over the internet, where data can be susceptible to tampering.


The Solana blockchain is a highly efficient and scalable platform designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) and crypto-currencies. Launched in 2020 by Anatoly Yakovenko, its primary goal is to improve upon the limitations of earlier blockchain systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, particularly in terms of transaction speed and scalability. Solana stands out for its ability to process tens of thousands of transactions per second (TPS) at a fraction of the cost, addressing one of the significant challenges faced by its predecessors: network congestion and high transaction fees.


At the heart of Solana's innovation is a unique consensus mechanism known as Proof of History (PoH), combined with the more traditional Proof of Stake (PoS). Proof of History is a novel approach that helps to create a historical record that proves an event, like a transaction, occurred at a specific moment in time. This is achieved by sequencing transactions in a way that allows the system to more efficiently process and validate them. When used in tandem with PoS, Solana achieves a high degree of security and decentralization, while significantly boosting its processing capabilities.


Solana's architecture also features several other technological advancements, including Tower BFT (a PoH-optimized version of the practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm), Gulf Stream (which allows transactions to be forwarded to validators even before the previous batch of transactions is finalized), and Sealevel (a parallel smart contracts run-time that maximizes hardware efficiency). These innovations contribute to Solana's remarkable throughput and low transaction costs.


The platform supports a wide array of applications, from decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to gaming and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). Its robust infrastructure and scalability make it an attractive choice for developers looking to build complex, high-performance applications without the limitations of network congestion and high fees.


Splintering, in the context of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and data transmission or exchange, is an advanced technique designed to enhance security and privacy. This method involves breaking down data into smaller, indecipherable fragments before distributing them across multiple nodes or locations within a network. The primary goal of splintering is to protect the data from unauthorized access or tampering by making it extremely difficult for attackers to reconstruct the original information without having access to all the fragmented pieces and understanding how to correctly reassemble them.

In DLT systems, which are inherently decentralized, splintering adds an extra layer of security. Since DLT relies on the distribution of data across various nodes to ensure transparency and immutability, integrating splintering into these systems means that even if some nodes were compromised, the attackers would only obtain fragments of the overall data. These fragments, being partial and encrypted, would be useless on their own, thereby safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of the data stored or transmitted across the network.

Furthermore, splintering can significantly enhance privacy and data protection in data transmission or exchange scenarios. By ensuring that no single party has access to the complete dataset, splintering protects sensitive information during transmission over the internet or other networks, making it an ideal solution for secure communications and data exchange in a variety of applications, including financial transactions, healthcare records, and confidential communications.

Moreover, the technique is designed to be compatible with existing encryption methods, adding an additional security measure without replacing current protocols. When combined with encryption, splintering makes data not only unreadable to unauthorized users but also scattered in such a way that compiling the data back into its original form becomes a formidable challenge.


Tokenization is a process by which a piece of value or asset is converted into a token that can be moved, recorded, or stored on a blockchain system. This concept is pivotal in the world of blockchain and digital finance, serving as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds. Tokens represent real-world assets like real estate, artwork, or company shares, or intangible assets such as voting rights or access to a service, making these assets more accessible, divisible, and easy to trade on digital platforms.


The transformative aspect of tokenization lies in its ability to democratize access to investments and assets that were previously out of reach for the average person due to high entry barriers or regulatory restrictions. For example, tokenizing a piece of real estate allows investors to purchase tokens representing a share of the property. This not only lowers the investment threshold but also provides liquidity to assets that are traditionally illiquid, allowing them to be easily bought and sold in digital marketplaces.


Furthermore, tokenization brings enhanced security and transparency to transactions. By leveraging blockchain technology, each token and transaction is recorded on a decentralized ledger, immutable and transparent to all participants. This reduces the likelihood of fraud and ensures the authenticity of the asset the token represents.


Tokens can be categorized into various types, including utility tokens, which grant access to a specific service or platform; security tokens, which represent an investment in an asset with an expectation of profit; and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which represent unique assets and have gained popularity in the art and collectibles space.


Web3, often referred to as the third generation of the internet, represents a new paradigm in the digital world, focusing on decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics. Unlike the current internet (Web2), which is dominated by centralized services and platforms (like social media giants, search engines, and cloud providers), Web3 aims to return control and ownership of data, assets, and online interactions back to individual users. It leverages blockchain technology to create a secure, transparent, and user-centric online ecosystem where transactions and interactions occur without the need for intermediary parties.

At the heart of Web3 is the concept of decentralization, which means that instead of data being stored in centralized servers owned by large corporations, it is distributed across a network of computers (nodes) globally. This not only enhances security and privacy but also reduces the risk of censorship and the control exerted by a few dominant entities. Blockchain and smart contracts play crucial roles in this new internet era, enabling everything from cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) to decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the blockchain, offering a wide range of services without the need for traditional intermediaries.

Web5 is a term that has emerged more recently, introduced as an additional evolution beyond Web3. While still conceptual and less defined than Web3, Web5 aims to further enhance the decentralization and user sovereignty aspects of the internet. It focuses on creating a truly decentralized digital identity and personal data storage, where individuals have complete control over their online identities and the sharing of their personal data. Though details on Web5's implementation are still developing, its goal is to address some of the limitations and challenges still present within Web3, particularly around identity management and data ownership.

Zero-Trust Architecture

How do you make a home secure? Lock everything and only you hold the key. This is kind of the Zero Trust Architecture concept

Typically, for most websites and centralized digital frameworks, once you login with the correct credentials you then have access to the sphere of hosted functions. This sphere is classified as the site's ‘trusted perimeter’. Security models set their perimeters using say encryption, login protocols and firewalls. Somewhat like a gate around a physical property, inside that gate is the trusted perimeter.


The trouble is once someone knows your login details or possibly controls your unlocked device, concurrently, they could access the 'trusted perimeter'. They’re able to login. In other words, they use the obtained key to open the gate. The potential unknown of someone doing just this is a long recognized stumbling point for various types of collaboration processes, even for a body like the UN. While there are ongoing advancements in layering login protocols, increased complexity for verification as well as cross device checks, such as two-factor authentication, the possibly unknown actor problem persist.


Instead of concentrating on one centralized access point, there is a way to further segment functions, to make each function or activity a gate itself. This applies to the first trusted perimeter and equally to all newly set 'gates' that follow. And with Zero Trust Architecture, the concept of “never trust, always verify” becomes its guiding ethos. We logically touch on micro-services when shifting away from centralization. The micro-service structure is one where each time you perform a different segmented function, you have the ability to call out to a different and even a unique location. Micro-services will be detailed throughout following articles while here we focus primarily on Zero Trust Architecture.


To make the Zero Trust Architecture concept more tangible, as a thought experiment, imagine that you're invited to a house party. Let’s look at two possible security scenarios of attending this house party, using traditional or Zero Trust Architecture.


Traditional Architecture


You're on the invite list. You give your name to the doorman and that's your key through the front gate. Once inside, you can walk up to the house. You now have full access to every room in the house. You make your way to the kitchen and grab a drink, you walk out to the porch and strike up a conversation with another guest. Then you make your way to the bathroom (taking a moment to rummage through the medicine cabinet, just out of curiosity), and finally end up having a nice discussion whilst lounging on the living room couch. Easy. Done. Great party.


The trouble is, should anyone else give your name at the gate, sufficiently fooling or bypassing the doorman, this person has utilized your key. They would have almost unrestricted access to the entire spread, as you would if it was actually you.


Zero Trust Architecture


You have a personalized key, which can be of varying complexity, even say device specific with double passwords and bio-metric signatures plus geolocation certification, or so on. You use your personalized key with the doorman. You pass the front gate. Then you use your key to open the kitchen door and again to take a drink. Then you use your key to open the door that leads out to the porch. Then you use your key again with the person your chatting to, so that you both know who is who.


Then you use your key to open the bathroom door. Then again for the medicine cabinet, and again when entering the living room, and so on. Roughly and figuratively this could be referred to as granular perimeter security. Every [granular] function becomes segmented [having its own perimeter] thereby acting as a gate itself with each gate confirming your key. Making physical comparisons explains the principle but overlooks the benefits of digital implementation.


Meaning, if one had to physically perform all those additional actions during unlocking then, obviously, it would increase the time and energy required. It would be a hassle, no doubt. Extra steps would entail extra work and, therefore, this constant re-checking would become laboriously counterproductive.


However, from a digital standpoint, Zero Trust key use can be imperceptibly fast. Goliaths such as Siemens and Google have been using variations of Zero Trust structures for a long time. The segmentation allows for compartmentalization of data as well as lateral tracking. Lateral tracking security analysis is made possible by the increased gates and associated ledger data. From a security perspective, the capacity for analysis processes like lateral tracking has multiple benefits




Your key may grant access to some areas but may not be authorized to get into others. Key providers and holders set as well as have the ability to review types of access, on a granular level




Automated and potentially private pattern recognition can prompt additional verification as required during unusual behaviour or possible breaches, whilst concurrently minimizing loss exposure throughout. A red flag could be instantly raised if for years you’ve used your key like clockwork to follow a preferred usage pattern but, one day and out of the blue, your key is suddenly or unusually used to collate highly sensitive data or dig into never before touched areas. Because the key is used for each granular portion or function, there is a much better chance and now an existing method to stop unauthorized use.


The structuring of one's personal and identity data can be hosted across multiple points. Even a breach to one of the sources holding a portion of the personal information would not give the full key. More broadly, particularly from a trust and reputation based marketplace example, there are long standing proposals for machine learning and economic advantages being derived. The ramifications of such could, when widely adopted, influence entire economic systems of trade and politics.


Extending this segmented and granular methodology is where microservices come in. Let’s break this out once more for microservices. Making a comparison between traditional centralized structures just imagine a functional website, say most any popular social media platform or online banking service.


Traditional Centralized Web Service


Your key gives you access to the front gate and you have access to whatever is inside. When the site wants to renovate, add a new service or fix up an old one, then each such task constitutes a massive undertaking. While the required work is happening these significant restructurings or renovations can have knock-on effects and various negative ramifications on usability for the rest of the site.


Micro-Services + Zero Trust Architecture


Your key gives you access but is used again and again for following functions. Each function acts as a gate which you unlock. This is where the structure gets exciting. As there is little distance between calling a service from one location or another, each gate can be set in its own individual or unique space. Each gate doesn't have to rely on the same centralized host.


So in using micro-services, restructurings or renovations can be done specifically to one portion without affecting the usability of others. Each function, with all supporting peripherals, are able to act independently.


Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) encryption is a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that a specific statement is true, without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement itself. This concept is revolutionary in the realm of digital security and privacy, offering a way for users to interact within digital environments securely and privately.

The essence of ZKP lies in its ability to ensure privacy and security simultaneously. Imagine a scenario where you need to prove you are over 18 years old without revealing your exact age. In the digital world, ZKP allows for such interactions by enabling the prover (the party making the claim) to convince the verifier (the party assessing the claim) of their statement's truth, without disclosing any additional information. This is achieved through complex mathematical algorithms and protocols.

ZKP is particularly valuable in blockchain technology and decentralized applications, where privacy and security are paramount. It enables secure authentication, private transactions, and the sharing of confidential information without exposing the data itself. For instance, in a blockchain network, ZKP can be used to validate transactions without revealing the sender, receiver, or transaction amount, thus maintaining privacy while ensuring the network's integrity.

Moreover, ZKP has applications beyond blockchain, such as in secure voting systems, where it can prove that a vote has been correctly cast without revealing the voter's choice. It also plays a critical role in enhancing privacy for digital identities, allowing individuals to prove aspects of their identity without disclosing sensitive personal information.