Holding a personally encrypted blockchain passport allows member control of their intellectual property (IP), and digital asset registrations. For $1.99 USD members can purchase blockchain registration of either a real-world or digital asset. The process to create this ownership registration of a new blockchain asset (which by the way also comes with a nifty personalized certificate), only requires a few details and a photo. This is like a direct, dynamic and versatile version of an NFT. But instead of an NFT, which can be locked into one network, this NEST® blockchain registrations are visually based with the asset itself able to be included in any smart contract that its owner wishes. Personally held, interoperable assets. They can be used in a manner similar to cryptocurrencies and each being wholly owned by their respective members or purchasers. NEST® also permits NFT minting, import and control across the Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance, Polygon, Solana and Klaytn networks (with many others being added).



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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