A stand-alone web address showing blockchain registered content. Something we call an Instant Visual Blockchain Result Page (IVBRP®). It is a dedicated web-address created for the purpose of showing one specific open DLT (distributed ledger technology) entry.

Each NEST® account can anonymously create unlimited, censorship free and openly permanent distributed ledger entries. Meaning a NEST® member / user can select which content, such as text or images, that they want to have immutably registered on distributed ledger networks. Think of this like a new form of ‘tweeting’ or posting only – through NEST® these uploads are now censorship free, globally accessible via web-browsers and permanently immutable. Open. Free. Secured.



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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