Registered disputes are written requests for resolution assistance _

Disputes are recorded by NEST® and Web3 participants whom are actively engaged in registered, individually encrypted contractual exchange or transaction. Disputes are received, collated, investigated and ruled on typically though majority voting, which is both blockchain facilitated, with MPC and multi-signature vote casting accommodated.

Disputes may be filed in such cases where either collaborative participant independently believes that he or she is unable to resolve a disagreement, misunderstanding, conflict, that collaboration has reached a practical impasse or faced with similarly complicating and restrictive circumstances. Disputes are filed to seek third party or party’s ruling.

The process is a form of impartial, binding adjudication, arbitration or mediation. Dispute related data or performance information is controlled by collaborative participant’s and reflected in their recording, documentation and submission of accurate evidence during dispute request submitting and subsequent investigation.  As detailed within registered contract, due to full confidential controls and individual encryption, participant’s completion related activities, roles, requirements and responsibilities are enacted directly, outside of NEST®‘s view, control and influence.



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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