Through API libraries as well as API based oracle solutions, trusted off-chain data is able to be connected to novel forms of encrypted smart contracts and tokenization protocols [patented], for specialized implementations and transaction types across varied networks. These abilities then bolster and inform robust on-chain provenance and authentication histories during practical user implementations. User profiling and engagement capacities remain hyper-encrypted, set to device-side stored private-key-pairs, and are differentiated in services that jointly accommodate on-chain and off-chain data.

Schema and architecture follow standardized formats so as to ensure portability and interoperability across service and on-chain to off-chain database types. Individually encrypted user data created on one device application can be consumed and understood in another, which source and provenance authentication can validate against the schema for consistency. User data is a signed JSON that is further able to be utilized by smart contracts as well as trigger decentralized transactions and/or computations. These features and flow are able to be adjusted, ensuring future-proof operations.

Meta-data for all transactional exchanges and on-chain activities, including attribution of visual elements for certain types, permit the instant searchability of selected transactions and activities across the NEST® ecosystem – permitting seamless user navigation and recall.



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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