Art/work is an identifiable, tangible deliverable as produced, created or crafted _

Art/Work references the discreetly identifiable results as specified in Web3, confidentially executed collaborative commissions, services and engagement documentation. It can, in contract, also be referred to as NFT associated or independent “Work” or “Body/Art” or “Content” Art/Work is that which has been functionally specified as commissioned or set for ownership transfer by one to a second collaborative participant.

Art/Work can be that which a party produces, provides, creates, applies, completes, concocts, constructs, compiles or likewise delivers in return for or due to consideration of the other party’s transfer to them of set costs, fees, charges, payments, remuneration or the like. In other words, ownership of what is bought or paid for Art/work may refer to but is not limited by:

i) physical artistic items such as a print, sculpture, carving or painting; ii) a tattoo or body modification as appearing after applied or completed; iii) the recording or similar documentation of a performance, show, event or appearance; iv) photographs, videos or similar documentation of a participant in collaboration, say a Model; v) existing copyrighted content such as media, videos, photographs, drawings or sketches produced and the like.

Art/Work, across the NEST® ecosystem and user-led Web3 space, may be thought of as fundamentally referencing an identifiable product, service or deliverable separate to commercial products or potentially mass-produced items.



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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