Web3+ ecosystem members / users that have confirmed their ownership-control of their SSDID and payment method(s) _

Activated members are able to purchase NEST® services. A user  is classified as activated after their profile operator successfully certifies and subsequently secures approval from NEST® or their selected authorizer of their personal identification‘s veracity (which may for example include scans or photos of say currently held and up to date government issued passport or a driver licenses), as well as payment method information to thereby enable the movement or deduction of fiat or digital currencies (which may for example include personal credit card details, bank accounts and routing numbers and or connection with PayPal or comparable monetary and or payment processing merchants).

Choices of personal identification [SSDID] and banking information registered, owned, encrypted and controlled independently. These are conducted entirely at the member’s personal discretion. Member’s further assume full responsibility to meet any transfer or processing fee amounts as owed or that may be linked with their Web3 activity, processing merchants or financial service providers and the like. Activated members can make purchases, communicate with other members regarding collaboration as well as utilize NEST® as well as a variety of other Web3+ services.



The esports and video gaming industries are about to go through a big change. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to transform how identity and content ownership work, giving users and developers more control than ever…

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